producti_gestio.handlers package

producti_gestio.handlers module


That’s the handlers part of the module. It contains handlers that could be used to check and get requests.


It contains the main handler that could be used to check and get requests.

class producti_gestio.handlers.handler.Handler(callback: <function NewType.<locals>.new_type at 0x7f5865686c80>, filters: producti_gestio.filters.filter.Filter = None)

Bases: object

It’s the main Handler, it could be used to check if the request using filters.

It is used by producti_gestio.server.server.add_handler() to create a new Handler.

Here an example:

from producti_gestio import Server
from producti_gestio.handlers.handler import Handler

my_server = Server(allow_get=True) # Create the Server instance.
my_handler = Handler(lambda parameters: bool(parameters['path'] == '/test')) # Create the handler

my_server.add_handler(my_handler) # Add the handler to the Server object
my_server.start() # Run the server using threads
__init__(callback: <function NewType.<locals>.new_type at 0x7f5865686c80>, filters: producti_gestio.filters.filter.Filter = None) → None
check(parameters) → bool

It checks if the request is valid using filters.

Parameters:parameters (dict) – The request handler parameters
Returns:True if the request is valid, False if not
Return type:bool
filters = None