producti_gestio.exceptions package

producti_gestio.exceptions module


That’s the exceptions part of the module. It is used to throw specific exceptions.


It contains all the producti-gestio exceptions.

exception producti_gestio.exceptions.exceptions.NotABoolean

Bases: Exception

Exceptions thrown if the given parameter is not a boolean.

exception producti_gestio.exceptions.exceptions.NotAFunction

Bases: Exception

Exceptions thrown if the given parameter is not a callable function.

exception producti_gestio.exceptions.exceptions.NotAString

Bases: Exception

Exceptions thrown if the given parameter is not a string.

exception producti_gestio.exceptions.exceptions.NotAnInteger

Bases: Exception

Exceptions thrown if the given parameter is not an integer.

exception producti_gestio.exceptions.exceptions.NotDefinedFunction

Bases: Exception

Exceptions thrown if the function is not defined.