producti_gestio.server package

producti_gestio.server.server module


That’s the server part of the module. It contains the main class: the server class. It could generate a new server based on a configuration and a function.


This section contains the producti_gestio.server.server.Server class, the main class of the entire library.

It could create the web-server, set the configuration by the init function or using set_* functions.

You can create handlers (using producti_gestio.server.server.Server.on_request() or not) and start using it simply using or producti_gestio.server.server.Server.start() for who’s gonna use Threads.

The producti_gestio.Server allows a custom configuration that you can pass when you create a new instance as kwargs:

  • allow_get (bool): If you want to allow GET requests. Default is False
  • allow_post (bool): If you want to allow POST requests. Default is True
  • function (callable): Your handler_function, it won’t be considered if you’re using Handlers.
  • debug (bool): If you want to get debugging infos
  • ip* (str): Your ip. Default is
  • port (int): Your server post. Default is 8000

Here an example:

from producti_gestio import Server

my_server = Server(allow_get=True, allow_post=False) # Create the Server instance

def my_function(**kwargs):
    return {
        'response_code': 200,
        'response': {
            'ok': True,
            'message': 'Hello world!'

my_server.set_function(my_function) # Set the handler function
my_server.start() # Run the server using threads

while True:

Or using producti_gestio.handlers.handler and producti_gestio.filters.filter:

from producti_gestio import Server, Filter

my_server = Server(allow_get=True, allow_post=False) # Create the Server instance

@my_server.on_request(Filter.get) # Define the decorator for the function (it uses Filters)
def my_function(**kwargs): # Define the handler function
    return {
        'response_code': 200, # The response code
        'response': { # A dict of the response (it will be encoded in JSON)
            'ok': True,
            'message': 'Hello world!'

my_server.start() # Run the server using threads

while True:
class producti_gestio.server.server.Server(**conf)

Bases: object

The main class. It is used to create, edit configuration and launch the web server.


It defines the configuration by merging the default configuration with the user-chosen configuration.

Parameters:conf (configuration) – The chosen configuration. See producti_gestio.server.server.
__repr__() → str

It returns a representation of the object.

Returns:A representation of the object
Return type:str
add_handler(handler: object) → bool

It adds an handler to the server object.

Here an example:

from producti_gestio import Server
from producti_gestio.handlers.handler import Handler

my_server = Server(allow_get=True) # Create the Server instance.
my_handler = Handler(lambda parameters: bool(parameters['path'] == '/test')) # Create the handler

my_server.add_handler(my_handler) # Add the handler to the Server object
my_server.start() # Run the server using threads
  • handler (Handler) – The Handler
  • handler – object:

True if all went right, False on fails

Return type:


on_request(filters: object = None) → <built-in function callable>

It adds the function to the handler.

It could be used as a decorator, here an example:

from producti_gestio import Server, Filters

my_server = Server(allow_get=True) # Create the Server instance

@my_server.on_request(Filters.get) # Create and add an handler using Filters
der my_function(**kwargs):
    return {
        'response_code': 200, # The response code
        'response' : {
            'ok': True

my_server.start() # Start the server using Threads
  • filters (Filter) – The filters you’d like to use
  • filters – object or None: (Default value = None)

A decorator function

Return type:


remove_handler(handler: object) → bool

It removes an handler from the server object.

Here an example:

from producti_gestio import Server
from producti_gestio.handlers.handler import Handler

my_server = Server(allow_get=True) # Create the Server instance.
my_handler = Handler(lambda parameters: bool(parameters['path'] == '/test')) # Create the handler
other_handler = Handler(lambda parameters: bool(parameters['path'] == '/second_test')) # Create the other handler

my_server.add_handler(my_handler) # Add the handler to the Server object
my_server.start() # Start the server using threads

my_server.add_handler(other_handler) # Add the other handler to the Server object
my_server.remove_handler(my_handler) # Remove 'my handler' from the Server object
  • handler (Handler) – The Handler
  • handler – object:

True if all went right, False on fails

Return type:


run(handler_class=<class 'producti_gestio.core.request_handler.RequestHandler'>)

It launches the server and add the configuration to the Handler class.

Remember: It doesn’t use _thread, see producti_gestio.server.server.Server.start() for that.

Parameters:handler_class (classobj|type, optional) – The Handler class you would like to use. Default is producti_gestio.core.request_handler.RequestHandler.
Raises:NotDefinedFunction – It throws a NotDefinedFunction exception if the handler function is not defined.
set_allow_get(allow_get: bool) → bool

It sets if the GET method is allowed by the allow_get parameter.

Remember: The GET method is not allowed on by default!

Here an example:

from producti_gestio import Server

my_server = Server() # Create the server instance

def my_function(**kwargs):
    return {
        'response_code': 200, # The Response Code
        'response': {
            'ok': True

my_server.set_allow_get(True) # Allow GET requests
my_server.start() # Start the server using Threads
  • allow_get (bool) – A boolean of the choice.
  • allow_get – bool:

NotABoolean – It throws a NotABoolean exception if the given parameter is not a boolean.

set_allow_post(allow_post: bool) → bool

It sets if the POST method is allowed by the allow_post parameter.

Remember: The POST method is allowed by default!

Here an example:

from producti_gestio import Server

my_server = Server() # Create the server instance

def my_function(**kwargs):
    return {
        'response_code': 200, # The Response Code
        'response': {
            'ok': True

my_server.set_allow_post(True) # Allow POST requests
my_server.start() # Start the server using Threads
  • allow_post (bool) – A boolean of the choice.
  • allow_post – bool:

NotABoolean – It throws a NotABoolean exception if the given parameter is not a boolean.

set_debug_mode(debug: bool) → bool

It sets if the Debug mode is on.

Here an example:

from producti_gestio import Server

my_server = Server() # Create the server instance

def my_function(**kwargs):
    return {
        'response_code': 200, # The Response Code
        'response': {
            'ok': True

my_server.set_debug_mode(True) # Enable the debug mode
my_server.start() # Start the server using Threads
  • debug (bool) – A boolean of the choice.
  • debug – bool:

NotABoolean – It throws a NotABoolean exception if the given parameter is not a boolean.

set_function(handler_function: <built-in function callable>) → bool

It sets the function by the handler_function parameter.

Here an example:

from producti_gestio import Server

my_server = Server() # Create the server instance

def my_function(**kwargs): # It creates the function
    return {
        'response_code': 200, # The Response Code
        'response': {
            'ok': True

my_server.set_function(my_function) # Set the handler function
my_server.start() # Start the server using Threads
  • handler_function (callable) – The user-defined function you would like to set.
  • handler_function – callable:

NotAFunction – It throws a NotAFunction exception if the given parameter is not a function.

set_ip(ip: str) → bool

It sets the IP by the IP parameter.

Here an example:

from producti_gestio import Server

my_server = Server() # Create the server instance

def my_function(**kwargs):
    return {
        'response_code': 200, # The Response Code
        'response': {
            'ok': True

my_server.set_ip('') # Set the IP
my_server.start() # Start the server using Threads
  • ip (str) – The IP you chose
  • ip – str:

NotAString – It throws a NotAString exception if the given parameter is not a string.

set_port(port: int) → bool

It sets the Port by the Port parameter.

Here an example:

from producti_gestio import Server

my_server = Server() # Create the server instance

def my_function(**kwargs):
    return {
        'response_code': 200, # The Response Code
        'response': {
            'ok': True

my_server.set_port(8000) # Set the Port
my_server.start() # Start the server using Threads
  • port (int) – The Port you chose.
  • port – int:

NotAnInteger – It throws a NotAnInteger exception if the given parameter is not an integer.


It shutdowns the server.

start() → bool

It starts the server. If thread_activated is True, it starts the server using _thread, else it just calls

Returns:True if all went right, False on fails
Return type:bool

It stops the server, you can re-put it on in by re-calling the run function.

thread_activated = True