producti_gestio.filters package


That’s the filters part of the module. It is used to filter the requests.

producti_gestio.filters.filters module


All the filters are defined here using the Filters and the Filter class.

You can use filters by passing them as parameters in producti_gestio.server.server.Server.on_request():

from producti_gestio import Server, Filter

my_server = Server(allow_get=True) # Create a server instance

@my_server.on_request(Filter.get) # It will filter the GET requests
def my_function(**kwargs):
    return {
        'response_code': 200, # The response code
        'response': { # The response as a dictionary, it will be encoded in JSON
            'ok': True

my_server.start() # Start the server using threads

while True:

You can also use operators (&, |, and, or, ~)!

You can check our repository for other examples.

class producti_gestio.filters.filters.Filters

Bases: object

The Filters class is used to define all Filters that could be used.

You can also create your own filter, see

any = <producti_gestio.filters.filters.Any object>

It defines the Any Filters. It will get all the requests.

get = <producti_gestio.filters.filters.Get object>

It defines the Filter for GET requests.

It checks if the request-type is GET.

static path(given_path: str) → producti_gestio.filters.filter.Filter

It filters requests using a path.

The Path always starts with /!

  • given_path (str) – The path you’d like to check
  • given_path – str:

A Filter-like object

Return type:


post = <producti_gestio.filters.filters.Post object>

It defines the Filter for POST requests.

It checks if the request-type is POST.

static regex(pattern: str, flags: int = 0) → producti_gestio.filters.filter.Filter

It filters requests with a path that match a given RegEx pattern.

The Path always starts with /!

You can also give a flag (using re), here an example:

import re
from producti_gestio import Filters, Server

my_server = Server(allow_get=True) # Create a server instance

@my_server.on_request(Filters.regex('^/print', re.IGNORECASE)) # It filters all requests that start with print, case-insensitive
def my_function(**kwargs):
    return {
        'response_code': 200, # The response code
        'response': {
            'ok': True,
            'message': repr(kwargs['parameters'])

my_server.start() # Start the server using threads

while True:
  • pattern (str) – The RegEx pattern
  • flags (int) – The RegEx flags
  • pattern – str:
  • flags – int: (Default value = 0)

A Filter-like object

Return type:

Filter str, func: callable, **kwargs) → producti_gestio.filters.filter.Filter

It builds a Filter class using a dictionary.

It is used to create a Filter just giving a name and a function using type().

The provided function must have these parameters:

Here an example:

from producti_gestio.filters.filters import build
from producti_gestio import Server

my_filter = build('My filter', lambda _, kwargs: bool(kwargs['path'] == '/my_path')) # If the path is '/my_path'
my_server = Server(allow_get=True)

@my_server.on_request(my_filter) # It uses our own filter
def my_function(**kwargs):
    return {
        'response_code': 200, # The response code
        'response': {
            'ok': True,
            'path': kwargs['path']

my_server.start() # Start the server using threads

while True:
  • name (str) – The name of the Filter.
  • func (callable) – A callable function that checks the request
  • kwargs – A dictionary for other methods
  • name – str:
  • func – callable:
  • **kwargs

A Filter-like object

Return type:


producti_gestio.filters.filter module


The Filter class is defined here, it is used to check the request using the filters.

When is triggered, a new Filter object is created. This object is used to create the special methods (or dunder methods because of their __) for Python operators (__invert__ for ~, __and__ for and and &, __or__ for or and |).

It could be useful when using Filters. Here an example:

from producti_gestio import Server, Filters

my_server = Server(allow_get=True) # Create a server instance

@my_server.on_request(Filters.get & Filters.path('/something')) # It will filter the GET requests
def my_function(**kwargs):
    return {
        'response_code': 200, # The response code
        'response': { # The response as a dictionary, it will be encoded in JSON
            'ok': True

my_server.start() # Start the server using threads

while True:
class producti_gestio.filters.filter.AndFilter(base: object, other: object)

Bases: producti_gestio.filters.filter.Filter

The AndFilter is used to check two Filters and return their result

__call__(args: dict) → bool

It returns the result of two Filters.

Parameters:args (dict) – The dictionary that will be used by filters
Returns:True if all the Filters returned True, False if not
Return type:bool
__init__(base: object, other: object)

It initializes the object.

  • base (object) – One of the Filters that you’d like to check
  • other (object) – The other Filter
class producti_gestio.filters.filter.Filter

Bases: object

The Filter class is used to check the given requests using Filters.

__and__(other: object) → object

It returns a AndFilter object.

Parameters:other (Filter) – The other filter you’d like to check
Returns:The AndFilter object
Return type:AndFilter
__call__(args: dict)

It raises a NotImplementedError.

Parameters:args (dict) – The dictionary that will be used by filters
__invert__() → object

It returns a InvertFilter object.

Returns:The InvertFilter object
Return type:InvertFilter
__or__(other: object) → object

It returns a OrFilter object.

Parameters:other (Filter) – The other filter you’d like to check
Returns:The OrFilter object
Return type:OrFilter
class producti_gestio.filters.filter.InvertFilter(base: object)

Bases: producti_gestio.filters.filter.Filter

The InvertFilter is used to return an inverted filter

__call__(args: dict) → bool

It returns the inverted result of a Filter.

Parameters:args (dict) – The dictionary that will be used by filters
Returns:The inverted result of the Filter
Return type:bool
__init__(base: object)

It initializes the object.

Parameters:base (object) – The Filter that you’d like to check
class producti_gestio.filters.filter.OrFilter(base: object, other: object)

Bases: producti_gestio.filters.filter.Filter

The OrFilter is used to check two Filters and see if one of them is True.

__call__(args: dict) → bool

It returns the result of two Filters.

Parameters:args (dict) – The dictionary that will be used by filters
Returns:True if one of the Filters returned True, False if not
Return type:bool
__init__(base: object, other: object)

It initializes the object.

  • base (object) – One of the Filters that you’d like to check
  • other (object) – The other Filter